Sitemap - 2021 - Library of Scroll

Hierarchies of friendship


Giving up on God

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs

TV, my friend.

Hunt for the Porn King

Work-life Balance

The Temple of Do

Are coders worth it?

On privilege

The Long Tail

Welcome to Holland

The ultimate goal

Why go out?

The State of "Affairs"

Treasure them

Why you should care about Cricket?

A good life

Staring at myself... on Zoom

Dining as a couple

I’m Not Rich Enough for K-Pop Fandom

The paternity leave manifesto

LinkedIn’s Alternate Universe

The rare car detective

Loneliness is other people

The advantage I hold

The business of a marriage

Sport & money do not mix well

Signaling as a Service

Consider the lobster

When I grow up

Two kinds of happy people

All this money!

What's wrong with the way we work?

Crisis leadership

Our favorites so far

Our favorites so far

Our favorites so far

Self Respect

Confessions of an Overnight Millionaire

Endless Love

We've stopped learning

All this free time

I want to be happy!

Selling energy

Life as a kid


Midlife crisis

The fragile generation

Doctor, doctor

Here come the Curators!


On turning 30

On Muggles, and on Facebook

Why do people doubt science?

All rise!

The algebra of wealth

Reflections on being a female founder

Make minds, not careers

The medium chill

Why are tennis crowds quiet?

How to Land Your Kid in Therapy

The Unicorn Club

Corporate Memphis

Messing with your heads

Beauty: A privilege

The liquid self

Are you my friend?


Debunking exercise

Goodbye, local news

The organization kid

Happiness & the Gorilla

Have you ever tried to sell a diamond?

How does it really feel to be lonely?

Solitude & leadership

Being a girl

Asking for (self-)help

The making of an expert

China's mistress dispellers

The penniless tycoon

These precious days

The trouble with optionality

The lesson to unlearn

What can start-ups learn from the poor?